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PT OCTA PRIMA LESTARI Rukan Mitra Matraman Blok B-12 Jl. Matraman Raya 148 Jakarta TLP : 85902391 - 85918154 - 85918155 - 8512595 - 081398855242 - 08128638194 - 087781122777 - 081510069705 Fax : 85918178. Web : . E-mail : sal
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Negara AsalAmerika Serikat
Made in USA

Spectro SC is an economical single cell visible spectrophotometer which is ideal for small laboratories and educational institutions. This spectrophotometer delivers enhanced ease-of-use, precision and accuracy resulting in time and cost savings, as well as unprecedented confidence in test results.

Spectro Sc is easy to use, affordable, compact and light weight. It has a continuous wavelength ranging from 320 nm to 1000 nm and the ability to hold both square cells ( 10 mmx10 mm) and round test tubes.

Spectro SC is rugged, reliable, low cost, and maintenance free. This instrument simplifies analysis and increases measurement capabilities for routine applications in various fields such as chemistry, biochemistry, agricultural, petrochemistry, environmental protection, science classes, educational laboratories and general analytical industry.

This Spectro can only be used by itself ( No PC connection available) .


Microprocessor controlled.

Digital LCD Display.

Auto transmission, absorption, concentration and factor.

Silicon Diode detector

It can use square or round cells.

Interface RS232 to link to a computer.

Wide continuous wavelength range.

Built in stray light filter.

1200 / mm. grating mirror.

Computer System is optional ( NOT INCLUDED

Included Accessories
2 square cells 10 mm x 10 mm.

1 instruction book.

Dust cover.

2 square cell holder.

1 Zero absorption cell.

Optional Accessories

Set of 2 performance testing filters ( 1 " E filter" for photometric accuracy test
and 1 didymium filter for wavelength accuracy test)

External printer

RS232 interface cable

Software for Windows 95/ 98/ XP. Includes RS232C cable and operator' s
manual ( Specify: Spectro SC)
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