Power Quality & Disturbance Analysers
� Tables & graphs of 3 phase V, A, pf, f, kW, kVA, kVAr, THD, total energy & tariffs
� Log Max/ Min volts and current over log interval
� High speed RMS capture for logging ' events' such as fast motor starts and HVAC loads
� PQ disturbance capture using " out-of-bounds" absolute limits or percentage change of V& I
� Download files while logging - directly or remotely by cellular modem
� Auto scaling graphs plus zoom, table summaries with filters, sag/ swell start and stop times
� Export all data to csv format, PQ anlaysis and printing of graphs/ reports with notes
� Flash memory firmware, Field ( software) upgradeable to PM30 if required later
� Waveform event capture ( 120ms of sinewave) with added transient trigger to record sub cycle
waveform disturbances. e.g. spikes, switching capacitor banks, harmonic ripple etc.
� Individual harmonics up to 48th ( V and I across all phases)
� Relative Harmonic Phase Angle
� A range of clip on Current Transformers ( CTs) in varying sizes,
covering 0 - 3000A, class 0.5M to 2M and IP65 versions.
� Flexible CT kits and solutions
� Substation Converter Kit: 1A: 200mA ( CK1) or 5A: 200mA ( CK5)
� Delta, Star or Isolated voltage lead sets, attachments include large conductor clamps,
tinned end leads, 4mm banana plug ends and small alligator clamps
� Protective rubber holster and installation strap
� External cellular modem kit
� Carry Bag
A typical voltage and current profile
A typical voltage & current waveform capture
Voltage Current
Channels 3 ( isolated) 4 ( 3 Phase + Neutral)
Range ( RMS) Low: 63 to 260V P-N 0-3000A
High: 125 to 440V P-N
Mains voltage ( Phase-Neutral) Any within Range
Instrument Accuracy + / - 0.4% + 1 lsd + / - 0.4% + 1 lsd
System Accuracy + / - 0.4% + 1 lsd + / - 0.4% + 1 lsd ( class 0.5M CTs)
Display Resolution 0.1V 0.1A ( to 500) , 1A ( > 500A)
Temperature -100 to + 60 degrees celcius
Humidity 20 to 99% RH
Protection Class IP65
Sample Rate 11, 413 samples per second
Log interval RMS Profile: 10 sec to 4hr log interval
RMS Events: 13.6 sec duration at 10ms intervals
Waveform Events: 120ms of sinewave at 88us samples ( PM30 only)
Power Source Phase A voltage channel ( separately powered upon request)
Rechargeable battery for backup and recording during short term interruptions
Power Consumption 10 Watts typical
Burden 2.2 Ohm
Memory 4Mbyte
Communication RS232, 1200-115, 200 bps, software selectable
Display Selectable scroll of date, time, V, I, pf, f, log status
Software PowerView, WindowsTM based
Dimensions 230mm ( I ) x 120mm ( w) x 90mm ( d) [ 9" x 4.7" x 3.5" ]
Weight 2.5kg or 5.5lbs ( instrument) , typical system 6kg or 13.2lbs
Safety Compliance IEC 61010, CAT III |