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UTAMA AUDIO toko audio online specialist High-End audio ,  Home Theatre and Karaoke System HOTLINE: 021-70530159UTAMA AUDIO toko audio online specialist High-End audio , Home Theatre and Karaoke System HOTLINE: 021-70530159
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Mangga Dua Mall, Lantai-1 No. 9A JL.Arteri Mangga Dua Raya
JAKARTA PUSAT 10730, Jakarta

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JAM OPERASIONAL TOKO-------SENIN-SABTU: 09: 00 - 19: 00 ---------- MINGGU: 10: 00 - 18: 00
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JBL Subwoofer Karaoke and Home Theatre 12inch Active 300Watt
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Kemas & PengirimanCARTON BOX
Negara AsalAmerika Serikat
Look to JBL for high-quality technology that will rock your world. Employing a PolyPlasï ¿ ½ woofer, FreeFlowï ¿ ½ flared port, and a 300-watt amp, the SUB12 performs like nothing you' ve experienced before. Power Rating: 300 Watts 12" ( 300mm) PolyPlasï ¿ ½ Low-Frequency Transducer Frequency Response: 25 Hzï ¿ ½ Low-Pass Crossover Setting Low-Pass Frequency: Variable From 50 Hz To 150 Hz Peak Dynamic Power: 500 Watts Inputs: Line-Level ( Switchable To LFE) And Speaker-Level, With Five-Way Binding Posts 39.5 Lbs. 19.75" H x 14.38" W x 18" D Why PolyPlasï ¿ ½ is So Impressive The SUB12 subwoofer uses JBL' s exclusive and professionally proven PolyPlasï ¿ ½ polymer-coated-cellulose-fiber cone material, which combines the sonic neutrality of paper with the added rigidity of the PolyPlasï ¿ ½ treatment to dampen internal resonance and provide a smooth frequency response with faster transients. PolyPlasï ¿ ½ cones strike the perfect balance between having enough rigidity to hold their shape and enough flexibility to keep up with the flow of the music or movie soundtrack you' re listening to. That' s why PolyPlasï ¿ ½ cones make such a huge difference. Because in the end, it comes down to the cone. Hear and feel the difference made by strong, responsive PolyPlasï ¿ ½ transducers that provide higher playback levels without distortion. And with the help of the powerful, 300-watt amplifier, even at max power JBL' s SUB12 kicks it out clean and clear. Crank It The SUB12 subwoofer takes full advantage of technology developed by JBL' s professional division to pump out powerful, yet very clean and clear bass sounds. Its efficient amplifier makes the most of each and every one of the SUB12' s 300 watts of power, but that' s just the beginning. When you crank it, you want tight bass in your sound, not sloppy distorted low frequency effects. Thanks in part to JBL' s exclusive FreeFlowï ¿ ½ flared-port design, the intended bass in your favorite music and the special effects in your favorite movies come through with power and purity instead of distortion and too much boom. The SUB12 subwoofer is just the ticket to really bring both your tunes and your movies to life. Straight-Line Signal Path The driver ( transducer) in the SUB12 subwoofer is purpose-designed to match frequency responses so that little manipulation of the audio signal is required in the crossover network. This allows the use of a minimal number of high-quality electrical components in a shorter, simpler signal path. Because the signal undergoes very little processing in the crossover network, the clarity, detail and dynamics of the original content are preserved. For example, the farther you run, the less energy you have when you arrive at your destination. Audio signals are the same way. By simplifying and shortening the signal path, JBL engineers made sure that the signals traveling through your SUB12 speakers don' t lose any of their power and realism along the way.
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